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how do you meal plan?

We realized that our family’s lifestyle in this season works best when we plan three breakfasts, three lunches, and three dinners. The rest of the days of the week we eat leftovers, pantry staples, or eat out. This helps us not waste food or cook so much we don’t enjoy it (or the dishes).


We try to share all our favorites with you inside our recipe blogs as well as on social media. Some of our favorite tools and supplies come from: Crate & Barrel, Williams Sonoma, Amazon, Our Place, and CB2

suggestions for picky eaters?

Everyone is different of course, but some ideas to try are: sneak fruits and veggies into the dishes in sauces or smoothies. Use cookie cutters to make fun shapes with cheese, meats, and veggies. Keep trying different foods! Our toddler will be obsessed with something for weeks, then poof, she’s over it. We just stop offering for a few days, then come back and try again.

do you follow any specific diet?

The simple answer is no. However, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2018 and so sometimes I need to adjust my diet for that. I also cannot drink alcohol with UC. Our family enjoys colorful foods, that are filled with nutrients that make everyone feel good. For us, that looks sometimes like gluten free, keto friendly, or Mediterranean Diet friendly.